Six students from Salmon High School in Salmon, Idaho, are facing disciplinary measures after being photographed wearing shirts that spelled out the N-word.

The photo, which was posted on Instagram on Tuesday, Sept. 26, and has since been deleted, depicted the teens encircling a mixed-race female student on the ground. The white students were seen making obscene gestures, while the girl on the ground also raised her middle finger towards the others behind her.

According to Troy Easterday, the superintendent of Salmon School District 291, the students were “not maliciously” trying to promote an anti-Black agenda.

Teens at Idaho High School to Face Disciplinary Action After Picture of Them with T-Shirts Spelling Out the N-Word Hits the Internet
Photo of Salmon High School Students wearing shirts spelling out the N-word. (Photo: KTVB/YouTube screenshot)

“As superintendent of the Salmon School District, I am well aware of the current situation happening with a social media post by our Salmon School District students. At this time, the administrative team of the Salmon School District is investigating this post and will keep the community aware within the legal confines of the law,” Easterday said in an interview with KTVB.

Source: ‘Old Enough to Know Right from Wrong’: Teens at Idaho High School to Face Disciplinary Action After ‘Disgusting’ Picture of Them with T-Shirts Spelling Out the N-Word Hits the Internet

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