A crazed white man was captured on camera hurling racial and other bigoted slurs while leaving a gas station convenience store.

After calling the register clerk the N-word, he is filmed getting into his car and then launching a vile tirade at the woman behind the cellphone recording him.

The video starts out with the cashier saying that their parents were born in the United States.

White Man Goes on Racist, Profanity-Laced Rant, Threatens to Ram Into Woman's Vehicle, Video Shows
Man captured cussing and attempting to hit a vehicle in a screen grab from a viral video. (Twitter/notcapnamerica)

The man, dressed in a tan shirt, black shorts, tangerine, and black Nikes, who has a buzz cut, said, “No, they weren’t. You’re a n—er.”

An unnamed woman said that she was recording him, to which he responded, “I don’t give a f–k.”

Once outside, the man got inside of his green SUV and focused his attention on the person filming. As he began to drive around crazily in the gas station and berate the woman, she yelled, “Dude, f–k off.”

Source: ‘You’re a N—er’: Vile White Man Goes on Racist, Profanity-Laced Rant, Threatens to Ram Into Woman’s Vehicle, Video Shows

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