By Ryan Steal

There’s no gray area when it comes to COVID, particularly in Australia, and that’s why Australia’s Prime Minister has made it clear he won’t respect anyone’s rank when it comes to dealing with the pandemic. According to the Prime Minister, not even a celebrity from the U.S., a world’s superpower country, will be spared from these rules. So, it had to get personal. The prime minister, Scott Morrison, went as far as asking American rapper Kanye West to stay away from Australia if he wasn’t ready to get fully vaxed.

Kanye West is now preparing for his visit to Australia for the “Donda 2” listening parties in March. Morrison will have no problems at all if West gets the double jab before then.

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“The rules are you have to be fully vaccinated,” Morrison said in a news conference, according to Independent.

Morrison said the COVID rules weren’t at all targeting an individual.

“They apply to everybody, as people have seen most recently,” the politician continued. “It doesn’t matter who you are, they are the rules. Follow the rules – you can come. You don’t follow the rules, you can’t.”

According to sources, West has yet to receive full COVID vaccination and a booster jab. The reason behind this is a little bit religious. He claimed that the COVID vaccine is the “mark of the beast,” and that the U.S government is using the vaccine to inject people with chips.

“It’s so many of our children that are being vaccinated and paralyzed,” the billionaire rapper told Forbes in 2020.

Source: Kanye West Cannot Perform in Australia Without Being Fully Vaccinated

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