Crowds packed beaches in Florida, Maryland, Georgia, Virginia and Indiana over the weekend — many venturing out without masks and others failing to keep their distance even as officials have tirelessly highlighted the importance of both in order to prevent another surge of cases.
In Missouri, hundreds attended a pool party just days after a similar party in neighboring Arkansas caused a cluster of new coronavirus cases. Arkansas’ governor said the state is now experiencing a “second peak.”
“You tell me how people act today, I will tell you the infection rate three days from now,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday, emphasizing the importance residents’ actions play in the spread of infections.
But as health officials warn the deadly virus isn’t yet contained, local leaders across the country are working to enforce regulations put in place for stores, bars and restaurants that have reopened.
The commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration on Sunday urged Americans observing Memorial Day weekend to follow federal guidelines aimed at curbing the spread of coronavirus.
“With the country starting to open up this holiday weekend, I again remind everyone that the coronavirus is not yet contained. It is up to every individual to protect themselves and their community. Social distancing, hand washing and wearing masks protect us all,” Dr. Stephen Hahn wrote in a tweet.
In Houston, the mayor said authorities will begin enforcing capacity limits for bars and restaurants after the city received hundreds of complaints alleging violations.
“The reality is that there are too many people who are coming together,” Mayor Sylvester Turner said. “No social distancing, no mask. And then after this Memorial Day weekend is over they’re going to be on somebody’s job or in close proximity to somebody else.”
So far, infections in the country top 1,643,000 and deaths inch closer to 100,000.

Source: People ventured out to beaches over the weekend without masks and failed to keep their distance


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