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An 8-year-old, Nigerian boy is getting a motion picture to be based off of his life.

Paramount Pictures has green lit a film based on 8-year-old Tani Adewumi and his family. The film is currently untitled but will center around the Adewumi family’s life while living in a homeless center on religious asylum. Despite the disparities they faced, Tani was still able to win the 2019 New York chess championship, after playing the game for only two years.

The drama will be based on three books the family plans to publish at the HarperCollins imprint W Publishing, according to Deadline.

The movie’s producers include Day Zero Productions’ Trevor Noah along with Haroom Saleem, State Street Pictures’ George Tillman Jr. and Bob Teitel, and Mainstay Entertainment’s Norman Aladjem.

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The untitled film will depict the story of a Nigerian family that was able to escape terrorism in Nigeria and was able to receive asylum in America and planting new roots in New York.

Deadline describes the story as one of of love, peace, community and faith. It will also show the determination parents have when it comes to theirs family’s safety and a better opportunity at life. Tani’s viral story became an inspiration to others which sparked the book and movie deal. The three books are set to publish in Spring 2020.

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