NNPA NEWSWIRE — On almost every issue, there is a detailed plan to dismantle our rights and freedoms, gut life-saving programs, defund government agencies and decimate entire industries. But what I’m most concerned about are Trump’s plans to decimate our reproductive rights even more.

State Senator Shevrin Jones and Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried speaking at a press conference in Miami Florida

State Senator Shevrin Jones and Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried speaking at a press conference in Miami Florida

Miami – Today, State Senator Shevrin Jones, Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried, and Miami-Dade School Board member Lucia Báez-Geller held a press conference ahead of Donald Trump’s event in Miami to highlight the threat Trump’s Project 2025 agenda poses to Floridians and the nation. 

  Trump’s Project 2025 is a preview of MAGA extremists’ radical wish list for a second Trump term, including enacting a nationwide abortion ban and further ripping freedom from Floridians, giving Trump virtually limitless, unchecked power so he can rule as a dictator on “day one,” and making extreme cuts to Social Security and Medicare, which would raise costs for 5 million Floridians. 

  Trump is running for president to seek revenge on his opponents, and his top allies created Project 2025 to expand his presidential power and take extreme actions to do so.

  “This election we have a choice. On one side we have Democrats and President Joe Biden, who are fighting to protect reproductive freedoms, lower costs for families, and create opportunity for everyone to achieve their version of the American Dream.

   On the other side, we have Republicans, led by Donald Trump, who is running a campaign of chaos and retribution against anyone he decides is his enemy, and Project 2025 is the blueprint for him to do just that,” said State Senator Shevrin Jones. 

  “Project 2025 is a roadmap for the destruction of our fundamental freedoms, written by Trump’s team of MAGA right hands. It’s an extreme and dangerous blueprint for Trump’s second term and the people of our state ought to know what’s in it. On almost every issue, there is a detailed plan to dismantle our rights and freedoms, gut life-saving programs, defund government agencies and decimate entire industries. But what I’m most concerned about are Trump’s plans to decimate our reproductive rights even more. After Trump overturned Roe v. Wade – which he openly brags about – Florida Republicans passed an extreme abortion ban which went into effect on May 1st. Right now, women in Miami who need care have to travel hundreds of miles to Virginia to get it,” added Chair Nikki Fried.  “As we wait to hear what distractions and lies come out of Trump’s mouth tonight at his golf resort, we’re speaking up about the threat he poses to our great state. For years now, I have heard Trump speak about my community, lying about us and lying to us.   Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans don’t care about Latinos. Their entire political brand has been built around demonizing and attacking us, pushing a racist, one-sided narrative of the hardworking men and women I know and love,” said Lucia Báez-Geller.

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