The Illinois State Police has started an investigation after Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Illinois woman, was allegedly shot and killed while two deputies from the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office were responding to a prowler report.

The event unfolded at a Springfield residence around 12:50 a.m. on July 6. According to ABC News, the sheriff’s office stated, “Deputies reported that shots had been fired, resulting in a female being struck by gunfire.” The two deputies “immediately” provided first aid until emergency services arrived. Sangamon County Coroner Jim Allmon confirmed Massey was pronounced dead at 1:47 a.m. after being transported to St. John’s Hospital. “An autopsy was performed, and preliminary findings show Ms. Massey died from a gunshot wound,” Allmon stated.

The Illinois State Police is conducting an independent investigation into the shooting in collaboration with the Sangamon County State’s Attorney’s Office, aiming for a thorough and transparent process.

“It is extremely hard to imagine how a woman who calls the police out of fear of an intruder ends up shot in the head by the police at her own home,” said Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, retained by Massey’s family. Crump is demanding the release of all body camera footage from the two deputies involved in the incident. However, the Illinois State Police has stated they will not yet share the footage to maintain the integrity of the legal process. They assured that “when appropriate, additional information, including the video, will be shared with Sonya Massey’s family before releasing further.”

Source: Woman Struck By Gunfire In Encounter With Two Police Deputies

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