By Evelyn Mendez

Global Communicator, the e-publications for advertising professionals, journalists and content writers has once again teamed up with the music producer Brennan Williams, the founder of Coloan Records. They decided to create a special curated playlist, which highlights the theme for the issue of July 2020: Social Justice. This playlist has been directly dedicated to the legacies of the civil rights movement from the early 1960s. Gwendolyn Quinn, the Chief Content Officer of Global Communicator, said she wanted to honor the late Rev. C.T. Vivian and the Hon. John Lewis – who both passed away on July 17, 2020 – with this collection.

“Two of Black America’s leading heroes changed the direction of this country with their bravery, courage, and lifelong commitment to civil rights and social justice. Their leadership has inspired generations,” she states.

The July 2020 Global Communicator: Social Justice Issue features long-form profiles of communication professionals on the frontlines of the nation’s current struggle for justice and equality such as Civil rights attorney and TV commentator Areva Martin, public relations expert and media activist Rachel Noerdlinger, and public relations professional Dreena Whitfield, who represented as the founder of the Black Lives Matter movement. Martin, Noerdlinger, Whitfield, and Quinn selected the songs for the July Playlist.


When Art Represents Life


The playlist includes inspiring, electrifying and long-established artists whose recordings have helped people to grow, evaluate their lives and feel empowered. Such tunes as, Nina Simone’s hair raising “To Be Young, Gifted and Black,” The Isley Brothers’ funky “Fight The Power,” James Brown’s groundbreaking “Say It Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud,” Gil-Scott Heron’s prescient “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,” Sam Cooke’s “A Change is Gonna Come” and Public Enemy’s enduring hip-hop battle cry “Fight The Power.”

Other modern supportive and uplifting black artists have been picked from this year’s BET Awards as well. Their songs are Beyonce’s “Black Parade,” Childish Gambino’s “This is America,“ and lastly, Kendrick Lamar’s hopeful “Alright.”

This month’s special 30-track collection is available on Apple Music,Spotify, and YouTube.

Founded by Brennan Williams in 2008, Coloan Records has delivered extremely unique viewing and listening experiences that captivate and move audiences across the globe. Coloan Records has created musical experiences for such clients as The Recording Academy, Harvard University, Toyota, McDonald’s, Black Portraiture Conferences (presented in New York, Italy, and South Africa), Misty Copeland’s Dance Tribute to Wynton Marsalis, and the African American Museum of Philadelphia’s 40th Anniversary Gala honoring media trailblazers Cathy Hughes and Alfred Liggins.  

For the current and past issues of Global Communicator magazine, please visit

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